Myths About Clear Teeth Aligners

Sivakonireddy Digi
3 min readNov 11, 2021


Clear Aligners

When you set out to research the best options for straightening your teeth, you are sure to encounter many misconceptions about invisible aligners, or possibly even invisible aligners. Since braces have been around much longer, you may think they are still your only option. But methods and technology have come a long way, and we’re here to debunk the common myths about Invisalign-style treatments so you can determine whether it is the right choice for straightening your teeth.

Do Invisible Braces Work??

As the new kid on the block, invisible alignment methods get a reputation for being weaker than braces. Many people think that since they are made of plastic rather than metal, they couldn’t possibly have the same power to fix your teeth.

In reality, invisible aligners are capable of fixing even the most complicated cases of crooked teeth. Severe underbites and overbites, crowding, and even smiles with a missing tooth can be corrected by invisible aligners. As long as you are treated by an experienced, knowledgeable dental professional, you will see similar, if not better results with a treatment such as Invisalign, as opposed to braces.

Do Invisible Aligners Take Longer Than Braces?

The time it takes to achieve a beautifully straight smile will vary between cases, but invisible aligners are often able to straighten teeth without braces. In general, an Invisalign-type treatment takes about the same amount of time as traditional braces. Your teeth move at essentially the same pace with either one, and the length of treatment will depend on how crooked your teeth are.

At UpSmiles, the average treatment time is six months.

Does Invisible Aligners Cost More Than Braces?

You should never pay more for invisible alignment than you would for braces. Straightening your teeth with invisible aligners will require either the same number of dentist or orthodontist appointments as braces, or far fewer.

UpSmiles’s invisible teeth aligners cost an average of 75% less than other teeth straightening methods.

Can Insurance Pay for Invisible Alignment?

Most insurance companies will cover Invisalign-style treatments in the same way they would cover conventional braces. If you have an orthodontic benefit, you are likely eligible for financial assistance for invisible aligners. Check with your insurance company to find out what kind of orthodontic coverage is included in your policy, and work with your dental professional to come up with a payment plan that works for you.

Am I Too Old for Braces??

It is never too late to love your smile. You deserve to experience joy with confidence and never feel like you need to hide your mouth.

If you’re worried about people judging you for having metal brackets on your teeth past adolescence, invisible aligners may be the perfect solution. They are made from clear plastic that most people will never notice.

Will Invisible Aligners Give Me a Lisp?

In the beginning, you may notice you speak with a slight lisp. After a couple of days, you will get used to your aligners and they shouldn’t have any impact on the way you speak. As long as you are following the treatment plan laid out by your dental professional and keeping your aligners in, you will quickly forget you’re even wearing them.

Is It Hard to Keep My Aligners Clean?

A few simple care taking steps to ensure your clear aligners stay clear.

  • Rinse them when you take them out: While you’re wearing your invisible aligners, saliva builds up on the plastic. In order to reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, you’ll want to regularly rinse the aligners with cold water. Warm water can distort the shape of your aligner making them uncomfortable and not as effective.
  • Keep your teeth clean: It’s especially important to maintain good dental hygiene during your invisible alignment treatment. Leftover food and drink particles could end up sticking to your aligners, making them more noticeable and increasing your chances of tooth decay and cavities. Brushing and flossing regularly will help keep your teeth healthy and your aligners clear.

Don’t let the myths about invisible aligners scare you. If you are interested in straightening your teeth, invisible alignment may be the quickest, most affordable, and least noticeable option. If you’re ready to find out more, complete your upsmiles today.



Sivakonireddy Digi
Sivakonireddy Digi

Written by Sivakonireddy Digi


My name is Siva KoniReddy and I am a digital marketer + web marketing with 4 years of experience in online marketing strategy for brands big and small.